
Let’s create a Boulder that lets people thrive and be secure.

Boulder has always been an expensive place to live, but costs have gotten out of control. Our community is now one of the most unaffordable places not only in Colorado but the entire nation. 

Our affordability problem is a top reason Boulder Valley School District enrollment is declining, why traffic is getting worse instead of better, and why our neighboring towns’ open spaces are being developed into sprawl. 

It’s also a reason why we have a shortage of workers in our front line and critical public service jobs, and why more and more people are facing housing insecurity and homelessness.

As a member of City Council, I will work to:

  • Refresh our city code and planning processes to use space more efficiently and in turn reduce the costs of housing and transportation, which consume 50% of the median Boulder resident's budget. 

  • Undertake planning in a way that centers the needs of families and young children while enabling seniors to age in place.

  • Increase our investments in more public amenities that let everyone recreate and thrive locally for the least amount of money and energy. Let’s improve our facilities for recreation, arts, education, and access to the outdoors.